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When I was a kid, I used to go to the country house a lot. It was great to relax there: sun, water, and fruits and vegetables all summer long. This year we had no ripe strawberries at all, and I just adore these berries. While our neighbor Natalia Maksimovna took care of the bushes, cherished them and grew them half the spring. Usually she treated me to a couple of berries, but that wasn’t enough for me.

When I was a kid, I used to go to the country house a lot. It was great to relax there: sun, water, and fruits and vegetables all summer long. This year we had no ripe strawberries at all, and I just adore these berries. While our neighbor Natalia Maksimovna took care of the bushes, cherished them and grew them half the spring. Usually she treated me to a couple of berries, but that wasn’t enough for me.

So one day, when our neighbor went into town on business, I didn’t hesitate to climb into her vegetable garden. At that time I didn’t think about the consequences, especially since I was only 10 years old, and I just picked strawberries and ate them right away. It seemed to me that I walked around the garden a little bit and ran home. When my neighbor came back, she started asking my grandmother if she saw who did it. I went out into the yard, and Natalya Maksimovna was crying. She told me that she was growing strawberries for her sick daughter, who loves them very much, and that the person who broke into the garden did not eat the strawberries, but simply trampled them out.

I felt very ashamed and wanted to run away, but she asked me and I defiantly lied that I had seen some boys on her property. In the evening I confessed everything to my grandmother and cried bitterly. She advised me to help the woman with the vegetable garden. From that day on, I came every day to help my neighbor. Only one thing pleased me: we still managed to harvest strawberries, and she closed the jam for her sick child, and even gave me one jar of jam.

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Comments to: Strawberries
  • 07/22/2021


  • 08/24/2021

    Tanya, you got it and corrected it as best you could. Good for you. It gnaws at you that you deceived your neighbor, I assure you, you are already forgiven. You are sincerely sorry. You were a child. Now forget, do not create new complexes in yourself, so they do not poison the future.


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