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I hate riding in shuttles, but I don’t have my own car, so there’s no other choice. But as soon as I get into this transport, I immediately begin to get angry: the driver stops at every step, then someone steps on the foot, then the fare is asked to pass, even though the driver is a couple of meters away and the cabin is quite free.

I hate riding in shuttles, but I don’t have my own car, so there’s no other choice. But as soon as I get into this transport, I immediately begin to get angry: the driver stops at every step, then someone steps on the foot, then the fare is asked to pass, although the driver is a couple of meters away and the cabin is quite free.

Often we are even overtaken by a streetcar, so excuse me, please, what am I paying double for? To arrive before the streetcar. I hate conductors, who only sit in one place without wanting to lift their soft spot. I’m pissed off when they pass the money, especially if the salon is empty. I’m very picky about cleanliness and I don’t like to touch money unnecessarily. And when there’s a whole minibus full of people, then you can count me out. Usually I go to the last stop, cram myself into a corner and wait for my stop. But as luck would have it, I was late for work today, so I had to get off at the regular stop.

Luckily for me there was one seat available, but on the edge. Another man came in with me. I first stood up and went to the driver myself to pay the fare. After that I went back to my seat. And the man stood there, as if he was waiting, the cabin was empty, and he was shoving money at me, as if to pass it to me. Is it really difficult to go a couple of steps and pass the fare? Well, I snapped and yelled at him. Half of the bus turned around and looked at me. Of course, I did not feel comfortable, but I myself went and handed the fare. He could have given me the money at the very least, when I was just going to pay, not when I sat down. I was relieved when I got off at my stop, but my conscience gnawed at me, was I wrong?

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Comments to: Pass the fare!
  • 01/09/2021

    If you don’t like the shuttles so much, I advise you to take a cab.

  • 02/14/2021

    And I’m just like you, so I understand you perfectly.

  • 07/21/2021

    Also annoyed by the “passersby” who are too lazy to walk two steps to the driver when the shuttle is empty


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