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Ever since I was in high school, I’ve been making up a reality where I have excellent grades and a sea of friends. In real life, of course, everything was exactly the opposite. But it helped me to survive problems by going into my own inner world, where I successfully coped with them. Of course, there was no practical help from this, either. It continued in the institute, and when I went to work.

I make up situations, people, talk to them, sometimes out loud if no one is around. I imagine characters from my favorite books/movies in situations that interest me, like in fanfiction, and I replay those scenes over and over for days, weeks, months. Even after some time has passed, I can drag a favorite fantasy out of my memory – and here we go… The same applies to fantasies about a “better” reality, where I am already in the main role.

I make up situations, people, talk to them, sometimes out loud if no one is around. I imagine characters from my favorite books/movies in situations that interest me, like in fanfiction, and I replay those scenes over and over for days, weeks, months. Even after some time has passed, I can drag a favorite fantasy out of my memory – and here we go… The same applies to fantasies about a “better” reality, where I am already in the main role.

Oddly enough, she managed to make some real friends, but at every free minute – sniff in his world.

Ah, yes. When I was in school, I had a habit of doing various rituals. For example, after scratching my left hand, I would scratch my right hand for symmetry.

I was really uncomfortable if I did something an odd number of times. Fortunately, I didn’t pay much attention to it. I also felt like my thoughts were broadcast on a huge screen, and everyone could see them and laugh. I know it sounds crazy, but the rest of my cockroaches are even worse. Is it an exuberant fantasy and not worth worrying about, or is it better to see a doctor?

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Comments to: My fantasy world
  • 01/05/2021

    Sangre! It’s quite normal, you just have a special worldview and vivid imagination, you just feel more comfortable spending time in fantasy than in reality. My sister had the same thing, sometimes she was even scared herself, and then she found a place to vent it out, she got a job at a magazine and writes stories. Maybe you should try your hand at it, too. Think about it!

  • 01/06/2021

    Sangre! A vivid fantasy is certainly a good thing, but what’s next. For me myself, the world of anime was at one time much more interesting than real life with its problems, worries and hardships. But it’s just synthetics and a surrogate that takes away the strength and time, the energy of the soul. After a while you realize that real life, feelings and emotions are irreplaceable. It’s like living under an electric lamp instead of sunlight.

  • 01/08/2021

    Retreat into a world of fantasy is a defensive reaction of the psyche in response to stress. Usually such withdrawal is characteristic of children – it helps to cope with a traumatic situation, for example, the child invents a nonexistent friend, etc. But it is clear that such a way does not solve the problem. The adult psyche uses more effective, productive ways of coping with stress, although not all do – some remain at the level of a “child”. A person is afraid of stress, of shocks, of getting out of his or her “comfort zone”. You may have lingered in this stage longer than you need to. You are afraid to step out of your comfort zone. In your favorite fantasies, everything is so ahead of time, stable, you’ve lost everything there 10 times – it doesn’t cause stress. But life is not like that – it is sometimes unpredictable, no one can control it 100%. If that doesn’t bother you, that is, you’re happy with your life, then fantasize about it. But if you’re worried that life doesn’t change, you can try to do something about it. You can also go to a psychologist, preferably a psychotherapist. But finding a good one is a big problem. You can sublimate your fantasies (pour them out) into something useful, like writing books or drawing. Or you can try to get out of your comfort zone and expose yourself to a little stress every day to get used to it. For example, to talk to a stranger out of the blue. Set yourself such a task for the day and be sure to accomplish it. And so on. Go in the summer to some extreme tourist trip, like rafting. There will be no place for fantasies, you will face the reality of life or survival in almost savage conditions.

  • 07/19/2021

    I have a violent fantasy in life, and nothing – my personal life is normal, my parents are alive and well. It’s just that in your fantasies you morally realize yourself, or something. It would be worse if a sane person, i.e. you, did not have such fantasies.

    And about specialist consultations: read Clive Barker (it’s his own fantasies set out in his works), I think after that you’ll have no doubts about your own normality.


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