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Before I got married, I knew a young man (my friend’s brother). He tried to woo me, but I made no promises and honestly told him that I loved someone else (my future husband).

It’s been five years now, I’m married, we have a child. I am happy in my marriage, my husband is good, and in terms of intimacy we have the same passion as before. Yes, maybe a little romance is lacking, but the candy and bouquet period can’t last forever.

It’s been five years now, I’m married, we have a child. I am happy in my marriage, my husband is good, and in terms of intimacy we have the same passion as before. Yes, maybe a little romance is lacking, but the candy and bouquet period can’t last forever.

But for the last two weeks something strange has been happening to me: I keep thinking about my friend’s brother (his name is Dima). It got to the point where I was seriously thinking about cheating on my husband with him. The attraction is purely physical, nothing more.

We don’t communicate with him now, but he has a page on a popular social network. I’m just magnetically drawn to click “Add as a friend,” to remind him of me. I’m just scared that it might spin out into something that I can’t get rid of or get rid of. Or maybe nothing terrible will happen.

I don’t want to risk my family, but I can’t help myself. I understand that it comes from a lack of romance, I want an explosion of emotions – like before. I feel terrible about it now, I feel remorse. This obsessive, meaningless attraction will probably pass, but when? Maybe I should “add Dima to my friends” and realize that he has not felt anything for me for a long time, and then calm down. So, I’m going through some stuff in my head that’s scary and disgusting.

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Comments to: Almost decided to cheat on her husband
  • 07/26/2021

    all women are the same ????


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