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Recently I’ve begun to notice that I’ve become terribly lazy. I live the same way as before, but now I have to force myself to do everything. It’s hard to get up for work, lazy to cook, lazy to iron, lazy to go to the movies, I can’t even make myself go to the shower in the morning. Everything became uninteresting all at once, there is no goal and no desire to do anything. All I can do is lie in bed, stare at the TV or endlessly read my friends’ feeds on Vkontakte.

Recently I’ve begun to notice that I’ve become terribly lazy. I live the same way as before, but now I have to force myself to do everything. It’s hard to get up for work, lazy to cook, lazy to iron, lazy to go to the movies, I can’t even make myself go to the shower in the morning. Everything became uninteresting all at once, there is no goal and no desire to do anything. All I can do is lie in bed, stare at the TV or endlessly read my friends’ feeds on Vkontakte.

At work, you have to wake up and create a semblance of brisk activity, but it’s hard to do. I used to come home, make dinner, quickly do household chores, and wait for my husband to come home from work (we don’t have kids yet). On weekends we would go out, it was fun and not a drag at all. Now I am tired all the time, lack of initiative, I do not know why I am always falling off my feet. My husband does not complain yet, but he obviously does not like it.

Maybe it’s just my reaction to fall. There are no problems, no tragedies or upheavals. Please tell me, how do you fight laziness, what incentives do you have for work and activity in general?

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